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We are pleased to invite you to take part in carrying «IV Festival of chocolate art „Chocomania“, which will take place in the middle of 28 may 2009, in Petropavlovskaya Fortress — The State Museum of the History of St. Peterburg.
Events suggested within 1 day of festival:
The Exhibition of chocolate
Professional contest of chef-confectioners
Prize-giving courtesy of partners of the event
Ball of Chocolate
Chocolate-tasting conducted by festival participants
Master-classes led by chef-confectioners
Entertainment program
The purpose of action:
  • To attach general public to Chocolate art, to show opportunities of Chocolate.
  • Carrying out of interesting family leisure.
  • To lift prestige of city, as platforms of high culture of masters — Chocolatiere.
  • Positioning of offered production of the companies of participants on a potential audience for stimulation of selling and increase in inflow of potential consumers (increase of recognition of a brand, positioning of a brand in northwestern audience of Russia).
  • The given festival-is a unique opportunity to present the new goods to the wide consumer and a magnificent opportunity it to make through mass-media.
This unique action devoted exclusively to Chocolate, bright and original. It is a fine opportunity for carrying out of professional competition the chief of confectioners, tastings of various chocolate, presentation of new Chocolate brands & production made of Chocolate, introduction of new technologies & innovations in trends.
Prospective participants of festival:
The chief confectioners (hotels, restaurants, Russian & foreign culinary schools & factories)
  • Artists and fashion designers of our city will participate in festival. In fact Chocolate from the moment of the occurrence in the Europe excited imagination not only confectioners, but also masters of art — painters, sculptors, architects and, even, fashion designers.
  • Companies that present chocolate as a many-sided product (chocolate cosmetics) and those linked with the topic of chocolate, such as: tea of/coffee, juices/waters, alcohol, cigars companies.
Action is interesting as to experts — they have an opportunity to surprise visitors of action not only the magnificent visions made of chocolate and
Prospective auditory:
Professionals (retail and chain restaurants, students of gastronomic schools), the companies sponsors,VIP-guests of the companies of sponsors (on Ball of Chocolate), press, representatives of city administration, well-known politicians, show business personalities, experts in St Petersburg art, designers, members of gastronomic club „GOURMET“, townspeople.
* References:
Place: new concert hall, restaurant „Palkin“
General chocolate partner:factory „Monaco“.
Partners and participants: Hotel Astoria, GrandHotelEurope, Novotel, Monaco, Letuchii Golandec, Bon-Bon, Palkin.
Place: boutique «VANITY»
General chocolate partner: company «PURATOS»
Chocolate participants: Hotel Astoria , Grand Hotel Europe, Novotel, Baccarat, Bellini, Bon-Bon, «Denisov and Nikolaev»
Special guests: Joint creation of fashion designers Elena Badmaeva & Alexander Petrov and confectioners of hotel «Astoria»& company «Baccarat».
Place:«HolidayClubHotel»- 5 *, (Finnish system «SOKOS»)
General chocolate partner:Plc «Barry Callebaut»(Russia)
Special jury:
LEFRANC Patrick — the general director of restaurant «Probka»
FERY Serge- the chief-cook of hotel «NOVOTEL» Member of board of «Academy of Hospitality»
FERCHAUD Dominique — the chief-cook of «Grand Hotel Europe»-Maitre cuisinier de France (Master cook of France)
PARK Andrew — the chief confectioner «Baltiiskii Hleb»
Natalia Koveshnikova — the chief confectioner, «Baltiiskii Hleb»
Special guest: The Exhibition of artworks from artist Elena Subota.
rus / eng
IV Festival of chocolate art

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© 2008, Êîðîëåâñêèå èãðû
Ñîçäàíèå ñàéòà: Z-Style
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